Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person’s overall health and well-being. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be ready for another day. It is not about the total shutdown of the brain and body, conversely, sleep is all about regeneration, resilience, and restoration. This is important because it allows your cells to repair themselves, your brain recharges and your body releases important hormones. When it comes to health, sleep is as fundamental as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet. Getting adequate rest at night will help protect your mental health, physical health, and quality of life!
Here are my top 15 tips, tricks, and products for a great night sleep:
Consistent relaxing night routine tells your body you are ready for bed
Sleep and wake up at the same time every day- the circadian rhythm
Legs up the wall & slow stretch
Put electronics away
Read, journal, meditation practice
Focus on slowing down your breathing to regulate the nervous system
Himalayan salt rock lamp
Keep your room dark and comfortable
Magnesium powder
Lavender oil
Gaba, valerian root and l- theanine
Cbd if it works for your body and you are comfortable with it
After dinner slow walk to help digestion and wind down is always great
Sunlight and/or vitamin D supplement
Try not to nap during the day
I recommend that you try a few of these at a time to discover what works for you.
Sleep well, be well.
Kiki Walker Wellness
Kiki brings her unique take on health and wellness to the North Shore.